Monday, November 07, 2005


spotty dotty
the weather is starting to chill
speckles blue eggs i think about for easter
christmas and holidays
changes of many a ways
drifting clouds smooth and soft
drinks of too many


Thursday, June 23, 2005


i love paris in the spring time

turn up that jazz
let's dance

Sunday, April 17, 2005

starry-eyes sugar skied

the skies are fogged over tonight
but right before you left
the moon came out


Thursday, February 03, 2005


clear. sunrise

Monday, January 17, 2005


and like a lark.

like a lark?

like a lark i'll fly away

to where?

away, it doesn't matter where

so you're going to go, just like that? you're going to leave?

yes, and there's no turning back. better now than later.

what about your friends?

we're all going to die someday, they'll get used to it. i'm very sorry to them. very sorry.


yeah, it's unforturnate they ever met me.

so where you gonna go?

some place beautiful and forever, and nothing. you can't come. but tell them for me, tell them everything will be beautiful. and tell them that it's no use, there was no one to save because i was no one and always will be no one.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

best of friends

your voice came out of no where
be my friend and give me your hand
let's take off together
then we can live where ever we land...
i need you, don't know why i do...
time goes by and you're still on my side.
we'll always be together.
we'll always be together.

can't get enough of keane.
can't get enough


Friday, January 07, 2005

penning it down

Penning it down

It’s like the song playing on the radio
and the beats fitting tightly to a random beating of the hand
getting sucked into another world where, for moments,
things will just be as they are.

Each word accepted, each word listened without commentary,
just plain understanding and straightforward listening.

It’s almost like being in another nation,
the meeting, and smile that was not confused for any other meaning
than the one handed forward during that time.

Each look is forward to same direction.

Words that fit perfectly with each movement and feeling.

A slippery fall, but to the smile and content of all,

And when we laugh indoors, the sound
flies over the city in a complete swirl
over the rain clouds, near the heavens,
by the moon, in color of three flowers.

White light, I met you in
and in a straight line we avoided
to exactly what fit right

for the moment.


Almost nothing, but purely just everything.
